Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carrot Cake In A Mug

So I saw a cheap clean eats video for a carrot cake in a mug and thought this is perfect for the carrot-cake loving me! I wouldn't have to sweat out grating a kilo of carrots to make a big cake when all I really want is a small piece, just enough to satisfy a craving. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Salmon Cakes Over Kale Salad

New favourite salad. Zesty. And flavourful.

Kale was such a surprise for me. I've only ever used lettuce or mixed spring greens for my salad base and only knew about Kale when I started juicing. And even then, I'd buy Kale to juice or give to my bunny. It was a friend who said he used Kale for his salad and I thought maybe I could do the same, after all it's packed with protein that I need in my diet.