Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's a Summer Thing - PNE Fair Eats

Come every summer, food fairs start popping up everywhere. And while it excites me to have community events like these, I've unfortunately haven't been to a lot. I've only been to the summer night market in Richmond and recently - at the PNE Fair.

I've heard of PNE Fair for as long as I've lived in Canada and have only recently decided to check it out with Nick. And I just wished I could've gone every year before too! I'm not a fan of crowded places and would avoid them if I could but there's something about community events like this that I don't mind the crowd. But I think it's most likely the fact that we're walking around eating that calms me down and makes me happy. Who am I kidding, of course, it's for that reason!

It was a particularly good day too, considering summer was almost ending. The crowd was still thick too, even though we went a week before it officially closes. This made for a very nice atmosphere, you know those movies where the main characters are walking around a fair, eating and playing games? It absolutely felt like that, it got me really excited the whole day! Laughing and holding hands, taking photos, eating and playing silly fair games with Nick, it's the stuff of movies! I'm still smiling at the memories as I write this.

But before this turns extremely cheesy, let's get on with the food photos.

Deep fried coffee topped with espresso flakes and mocha chips
This was my fave of all the fair food at the PNE. I love 
espresso flavored food and this definitely did not disappoint.

Hotdog stuffed pickle
Just something different, I guess. I like pickles but at that time that time I was transitioning 
to become 80% vegetarian (I'm sure I'll share some recipes here) so I just had a bite. 
I kind of get the tangy and salty flavors that they're trying to give and could 
see others loving this. But it's not something I'd go back for again there. 

Watermelon drink
This I was happy to drink! The fruit drinks were the ones I really wanted to try, just cause. 
The juice itself wasn't that sweet, which was nice since we've been stuffing ourselves with 
all kinds of flavors that day so having a refreshment just like this was definitely welcomed. 

There's still quite a few bites that we tried but not as different as these. We'll definitely add going to all food fairs and food trucks there are within the vicinity to next year's summer bucket list.

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