Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Christmas Plate For Dinner

This was an unexpected Christmas plate. I've just only recently changed plates (first time to do so too since I moved out) to welcome the Fall season and just happened to have spinach tortillas in my fridge. It was even an impromptu buy - I rarely order wraps but I thought green wraps seem healthy and look cuter too so I went ahead and bought when I saw one at my local grocer.

So when I looked for what to make one night and saw what I had in my fridge, I thought, " Cool, I'd have myself a lovely feast tonight!" And before I know it, I had Christmas all over my plate! Yep, I was a happy kid and just had to snap away! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Brownie In A Mug

Yep, it's another in-a-mug creation.

It's just so easy and fast to make and perfect for those living on their own. I crave for sweets from time to time (don't we all?) and it's a hassle to make one big cake (unless you're purposely sharing with family and friends) when all I really want is something fast and small to satisfy my want. I mean, I can't eat a whole cake by myself or eat it for days, no matter how appealing that looks in movies, haha! I'd share if I ever wanted to make a big one.

Monday, October 7, 2013

For The Love Of Shrimp

I'm not much a fan of shrimp but I do love seafood and they're also one of the easiest to cook so I buy fresh shrimps once in a while. And I remember loving a particular shrimp recipe (aside from tempura, which I've yet to learn to make) that my dad makes with butter. A simple search led me to the simplest of recipe - Garlic Butter Shrimp. Garlic and butter together? Sold!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Healthy Lunch Idea: Salmon & Quinoa

So I've been pretty much obsessed with quinoa ever since my trainer told me about it being full of protein and fiber. Such a perfect dish for anyone wanting to live a healthy-eat-clean lifestyle! It's easy to prepare and experiment in - add any kind of meat, some veggies and herbs and you have a fulfilling and heathy meal even on its own!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carrot Cake In A Mug

So I saw a cheap clean eats video for a carrot cake in a mug and thought this is perfect for the carrot-cake loving me! I wouldn't have to sweat out grating a kilo of carrots to make a big cake when all I really want is a small piece, just enough to satisfy a craving. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Salmon Cakes Over Kale Salad

New favourite salad. Zesty. And flavourful.

Kale was such a surprise for me. I've only ever used lettuce or mixed spring greens for my salad base and only knew about Kale when I started juicing. And even then, I'd buy Kale to juice or give to my bunny. It was a friend who said he used Kale for his salad and I thought maybe I could do the same, after all it's packed with protein that I need in my diet. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spinach Salad Ala Aimee

It has been awhile! I have no valid excuse for not posting, I've either been bitten by the lazy bug or have ben too busy with my other interests. In between those, I've gone to different restaurants but I've longed forgotten the experience and tastes already! Lol! I don't think I can do justice should I write about them now.